Research paper published: Synthesis, Characterization, Antibacterial Properties, and In Vitro Studies of Selenium and Strontium Co-Substituted Hydroxyapatite.
The research was carried out by Dr. Muhammad Maqbool, under the supervision of Prof. Aldo Boccaccini (FAU Erlangen).
Leiden, May 2021
CAM Bioceramics would like to congratulate Dr. Muhammad Maqbool, scientist at CAM Bioceramics and all co-authors on the publication of their research paper ”Synthesis, Characterization, Antibacterial Properties, and In Vitro Studies of Selenium and Strontium Co-Substituted Hydroxyapatite”.
Infections surrounding bone implants are an important challenge for advanced reconstructive surgery. Bacteria are becoming more resistant to drugs and there are fewer effective antibiotics to fight against pathogens. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can lead to implant exchange which causes pain to patients and are a burden on healthcare systems worldwide.
The work focused on tackling the worldwide threat posed by the rapid growth of antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics. Its aim to develop bioceramics having intrinsic antibacterial properties. The results highlight that the synergistic effect of selenium and strontium ions co-substituted in hydroxyapatite offers great potential in the design of novel antibacterial materials that provide antibacterial activity without the use of antibiotics, allowing them to be used as starting materials for the development of unique and effective antibacterial implants for bone regeneration.
“In line with CAM Bioceramics mission, to be the trusted partner for innovative calcium phosphate solutions and services worldwide, we are committed to support our customers to improve patients lives. Identifying and developing novel materials for biomedical applications that can provide antibacterial properties without the use of any drugs, will significantly improve patients outcomes and reduce cost to society.
The paper can be found using the link below:
As communicated in November 2020 CAM Bioceramics is an industry partner and a work package leader of NWO funded DARTBAC Project. The DARTBAC project focuses specifically on developing and testing of the efficacy and safety of novel antimicrobial technologies for preventing & combatting infections.
Further information about the DARTBAC project can be found at: